#ree's asks
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kim-ruzek · 5 months ago
It was a great season premiere, right? First Adam was staring down the barrell of a gun, and that was A Scene. I held my breath through it all. Then her and his new partner talked about how she watched her partner die, and then... that ending! I kind of knew she was a goner, considering how much spoilers were about that other actress joining the team and nothing about her. But still, the way it happended, and the look on Adam's face? Brilliant. (btw, I'm still bitter his near-death experience only had a one-episode consequences last season, but it was a weird season, so I can forgive it, if they dig into it now ;)
OH it really, really was !!
When we got Adam staring down the barrel of a gun, I was like damn this season is starting off HOT and I thought that would be the peak of the amazingness of the episode. But no... we had THAT ending as well which was just...so fucking good for an ending.
I too knew something would be up with her, depending we had heard nothing about her, but damn, I did not think death (my brain also did forget reading the press release for ep2, otherwise it probably would've lmao) but even if I did, it DEFINITELY did not think like that.
That was cold, shocking to the system in such a very real fashion and oh so devastating for our poor boy Adam.
I really loved how they managed to settle her in within the episode, establish enough backstory and connection (especially to Adam) AND weave in the foreshadowing with the near miss and the talk of her old partner enough to actually make the death hard hitting even though we, the audience, only just met her but without overdoing it and making the episode really clunky, especially as the connection establishment was the b plot to the voight a plot.
And YES I am also still salty his shooting only got briefly touched upon last season but I'm thinking we're going to get something like we got for Kim -- a season later and the long term consequences are showing up, and I'll be really interested in seeing how the situation affects Adam differently.
And I love how the premiere already touched upon the affect of seeing your partner shot, through Adam's facing the gun (which the way he squared up to it even though now he KNOWS what it's like to feel your life fading?? Oof) and him checking on Emily after and now we get to see that becoming Adam's reality, with an extra helping of guilt because he got her into intelligence.
I am a little sad we don't get any Kim during episode 2 to see her being there to be an emotional rock for Adam, even if it's in the background (likewise that we didn't get to get a quick few seconds scene of Kim checking if Adam was a-ok himself after facing the gun this episode) but I think it's pretty clear this will be, or will lead into, Adam's storyline angst this season so hopefully while we won't get her this episode, we will get her later.
(Plus we've seen in the past with Adam that when things like this happen, in the immediate aftermath he likes to throw himself all in and just rage and dwell in his guilt and feelings so I kinda like we'll get to just focus on him this episode feeling all that to really explore how it feels to have your partner shot in the head right next to you).
But I do hope we at least get a mention of Kim (like Kim being that emotional rock for him despite being apart; which she still is because she knows the first hours are just going to be so hectic for Adam and he can't rest until at least initial justice is served for Emily and he'd want her to finish off because she can do all she can from there (except physical intimacy but yes it's different but he DOES still have Kev, and Trudy (and Mack) so he's not going to be deprived of a hug if he so needs it and he's going to be around people he has and can cry around if needed) and her coming home early may just add an unnecessary burden of guilt onto him some more - because we know our boy can really feel that guilt when he gets rolling.
And it's almost more powerful seeing how deep and secure and just loving their relationship is now that they can be there for each other without being in physical proximity. That Kim trusts him to not completely spiral, that they have a support system, that Adam KNOWS he'll get love and affection from Kim just the same even if it's days after the initial trauma so it's not a take this now or not get it at all situation.
I mean, that is, if they have Kim stay at the conference. They could just end up making her get stuck on her way home which is fine I guess.
ANYWAY sorry this took literally a whole week to get around to, I wrote up most of this last week but life really has gotten ahold of me and I didn't have the energy to complete it and I really wanted to make this a detailed answer to you, not just an 'i agree'. Better late than never?
Thank you for asking!!! 💞💞💞
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themundanemudperson · 7 months ago
Bing dong bong. The house is here to take you away to oklahoma you absolute kitchen sink!
kitchen sink is a nice insult
@spookyblazecoffee i'm getting taken to oklahoma!!! i'll see you there
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biowho · 2 months ago
Bee wake up, Greg Ellis got arrested for revenge porn
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What a horrid and pathetic man... if anyone else forgot who this was (like I did) this was Cullen's voice actor
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where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 · 4 months ago
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i thought you might like this drawing I did
D E V O U R I N G this I L O V E L O V E L O V E it they so W O U L D do this!!!
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grumpyghostdoodles · 10 months ago
What wacky things would happen if I put a pineapple on Kris’s head?
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What else could you expect?
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 2 months ago
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"It's about the nature. The nature of man. The nature of darkness."
Leverage S04E08 The Boiler Room Job.
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ryuki-draws · 2 months ago
Just found your tf au and I’m giggling and kicking my feet reading through it these silly little guys will now live rent free in my head!!
Hehehe, I'm so glad to hear that! :D Thank you so much, I'm happy you'e having a good time with their silly shenanigans! ♥
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coochiekrab · 5 months ago
knowing kuris name is pronounced like "curry" and not "cure-ree" is amazing, I've had to totally restructure how I pronounce it in my head
Curry would be the English pronunciation of her name but if you spoke any other language or had an accent Coo-ree would be more correct. Aubrey’s very french parents would be calling her Coo-ree
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sherrymagic · 3 months ago
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CHATO X AOUBOOM via @/mintmag_th
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elecmon · 7 months ago
Doodle request: Chosen Child of your choice interacting with someone else’s Partner Digimon.
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literally any digimon ever could entertain her and I love that for her!!
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chososcamgirl · 2 hours ago
mommy misses you all
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kim-ruzek · 1 year ago
My best friend (we are still best friends) is now engaged to my ex-husband, and I'm going to be her Maid of Honour, so I will never understand the whole "girl code" and "dating best friend ex-husband thing". My ex and I split not because something horrible happened but because didn't the same things and along the away we just fell out of love. When my best friend and ex started getting close, I just looked at them and knew.
Also, I'm huge Gabby fan but she left Matt and Sylvie and like the Monica said when asked about Brettsey -Gabby knew what would happen when she left. Also, I really don't think she would be annoyed by Brettsey the way some fans are.
You and your friend are precisely the example of why I don't subscribe to the whole don't date a friend's ex thing because in life, there are nuances to every situation and yes, sometimes the person you're meant to be with is your friend's ex.
And yes, I agree - I don't believe that Gabby would mind about Brettsey. I actually think she'd be happy for them and she also knows that both of them are really good people, so she'd know they'd treat each other right.
Thank you for asking!!
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themundanemudperson · 8 months ago
Whats that mysterious ticking noise coming from your couch? Watch out watch out Cheeto boy
that noise is probably my sister
and ree. when was the last time you went to sleep
asking for a friend
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mintyscuriocabinet · 2 months ago
i pronounce agere like its a japanese word. a-geh-reh
That's cool! I think we should be able to pronounce it any way we like!
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where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 · 4 months ago
Dumb headcanon: Remus falls from the ceiling when he's summoned. He has so much fun making the cartoon crashing sfx. And almost everyone lets him fall (to avoid injury, because for some reason they don't expect it, or they're just petty like that *cough*Janus*coughcough*Roman*cough*)
Almost everyone. Virgil makes a point of lining himself up and catching the duke in his arms, bridal style usually. He claims it's so nothing gets broken and no one gets hurt. Remus knows better.
Every single time Virgil catches him he swoons dramatically. Sometimes he'll gush over "his hero" and praise him with smooches. Of course, sometimes he just starts stripping and tries to be seductive. That's when Virgil just drops him if they're not alone.
Ronni this isn't a "dumb headcanon" this is just canon /light hearted No but seriously Ree being a living dorky cartoon character is E V E R Y T H I N G to me XD Vee's not fooling his Dukey in Distress with the "catching him because he doesn't want anyone getting hurt or something breaking" excuse but the Emo can't help but hide a smile when he sees those floating hearts and his dorky ball of chaos cartoonishly smooching him like he's Bugs Bunny
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akaakeis · 4 months ago
SHOKO is in the neighbor’s room, our life jam laid out on the sheet music for $20 by boygenius … ♡!
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cw: mention of smoking, occasional cursing, ooc? food is also mentioned  ||  wc: 1.3k
— for ree @aozui !! <3  ||  event
🎶 — $20 - boygenius
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the chill of the night hung in the air, following you inside. you felt cold, even in your pajamas. the heater in the apartment was broken, and the repairman wouldn't be there until later in the week. now, you and shoko just had to wait it out. it didn't seem to be all the hard for her, though. 
shoko was out on the balcony, leaning against its rail guards. there was smoke coming from her mouth, at least you thought so. it could've just been because of how cold it was. you couldn't really tell since you were staring at her back, but she looked really at peace. after watching her for a couple more moments, you walked out to the balcony and leaned against the rail guard next to her. catching a glimpse of her face, you could tell that it wasn't a cigarette- but a lollipop in her mouth.
she notices the way your eyes dart down to what's in her mouth and she lets out a quiet huff.
"did i get you?" she asks amusedly, taking the lollipop out of her mouth and showing you it. it was a dark red color.
"maybe." you roll your eyes, smiling. "are you not cold? it's cold as shit out here and inside."
"not really. we could go for a drive, though. the car has a heater." shoko popped the lollipop back into her mouth and took keys out of her pocket. they were for the little 2015 chevrolet spark that the two of you owned. kinda crappy car, though. it had over a hundred thousand miles on it already, but as long as it still ran, it would suffice.
"isn't it broken, though?"
shoko looks at you and purses her lips, sucking them into her mouth. "no, i fixed it last week, remember?"
no, you didn't remember. "oh, i forgot," you laugh softly.
she smiles slightly, grabbing your hand and bringing you back inside the apartment. "yep. come on, let's go for a drive." she grabs a zip up hoodie off of the couch and tosses it to you. it was one of the jackets that she always wore when the two of you were at home. "wear that. stay warm."
a small smile grows on your face as you put on the jacket. it smells vaguely of cigarettes and a vanilla perfume. following her out of the apartment, you lock the door behind you.
stepping out into the brisk night, the cold air woke you up, nipping slightly at your nose. shoko unlocked the doors to the car and you quickly slide into the passenger seat. you run your hand over the dash of the car, dust pilling onto your hand. this car needed a wash. maybe you could convince her to go with you tomorrow to wash the car— it'd be fun.
after a couple seconds, shoko slid into the drivers seat, sticking the key into the ignition and turning it. the engine stalls for a moment before starting. the car lived to see another day. as the lights on the dashboard flickered on, shoko muttered a quiet, "damn it."
"hmm? what's wrong?" you ask her, leaning over to look at the dash. 
"you got $20?" she asks. "we're low on gas."
"really? asking your dear passenger for gas money?" you tease.
"oh, fuck off." she laughs, gently pushing you away. 
as you hold out a $20 bill to her, feigning annoyance, she takes it and smiles. "thank you, dear." she's teasing you, calling you dear. she knows it makes you laugh.
she was right about that, because the pet name got a snort out of you. that and a "whatever, let's go."
she nods, a small smile on her face as she shifts the car into reverse and backs out of the parking spot that the car is in. while she's doing that, you turn on the car's heater, turning the temperature up to 70°, and you turn on the radio.
the town is alive with bright, neon signage, all whizzing by as you travel down the highway. the two of you were headed for the gas station to top off the gas tank before going for a drive.
the radio fills the comfortable silence in the car as she continues to drive. after a couple minutes, shoko pulls into a gas station, parking next to a gas pump. getting out of the car, she motions for you to come with her. the two of you go into the gas station's store, walking to the counter.
"how much can $15 get us in gas?" she asks the man at the register. he mutters back a reply, to which shoko hands him the $20 bill. he hands her back $5 and says a quiet "have a nice night."
you cock an eyebrow, wondering why she didn't just buy $20 worth of gas. she looks at you with a mischievous smile, taking your hand and pulling you into the candy aisle of the store.
"pick something we can share for the drive." she lightly nudges you towards the candy, eyes running through the options of snacks. the bright, fluorescent lights wash both of you guys out, making you look pale. for shoko, it makes her darker under-eyes look even more prominent. she looked so pretty, though.
looking over at the candy, your eyes perusing all of the options before settling on a share size of nerds gummy clusters. you grab them off the hook and show them to shoko. she smiles, grabbing them and walking over to the counter to pay for them. that was the last of the money you guys had brought, so you'd both just be eating gummy clusters for the night. 
after getting back change for the candy, the two of you headed back to the car. shoko ripped the top off of the gummy clusters' bag and took a handful for herself before handing the bag to you. you took a couple pieces for yourself and put the bag into the cup holder so both of you could eat some.
shoko filled the gas tank and slipped back into the driver seat, slamming the car door shut. she pulled out of the gas station and back onto the highway. everything in the city felt so lively despite it being extremely late. 
"hey, can you give me a gummy?" she asks, opening her mouth.
you snort, grabbing one out of the bag and dropping it in her mouth. when you pull back your hand, some of her lipstick is smudged onto your fingertips.
you turn the radio back on, one of yours and shoko's favorite songs coming on. 
she looks over at you with a smile, grabbing your hand. without any warning, she starts singing along to the song, lightly shaking your hand with hers. you join her in singing the song, letting her swing around your hand.
after the song ends, both of your arms go to rest on top of the car's center console. you were getting sleepy.
"tell me about your day, shoko.." you say, looking over at her while running your thumb over her hand.
"you sound tired," she says, amused. "sure." for the rest of the drive, she tells you about stuff that she had done at work that day. she also talks about the people she had to heal and transfigured humans she had gotten to identify.
if anything, she sounded more tired. her job seemed so taxing. it was amazing, the things that she did for work. the concept of jujutsu sorcery was still pretty confusing to you, if you were being honest, so it only made her job more amazing from your point of view. even if she was a curse user, you think you'd been on her side. maybe as an arsonist, or something.
that was the final thing you thought of before falling asleep in the car. you were lucky to have her.
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an: WOOO FIRST TIME WRITING FOR JJK AND ITS FOR SHOKO THIS IS A WIN!!! honestly i had no idea what to write at first so i kinda just had fun w this... also said nerds gummy clusters bc i was eating them as i made this HAHAHSH
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